Since becoming a dad, I’ve started to take my health and longevity more seriously. Running a business is both fun and demanding, but more than ever I now see how closely entwined the success of the business is to my health. As one of my mentors will bluntly remind me, without you, there is no business.
That said, it’s still all too easy to feel invincible in your twenties and thirties – late nights, long hours and the occasional over-indulgence and unless blessed with great genes, the neglect catches us all up – less energy, health issues, perhaps a little extra around the mid-riff.
The biggest challenge I’ve faced, is how to fit in exercise whilst travelling – where facilities and space are not always optimal – but where lack of time is also an easy ‘Get out of Jail’ card to avoid breaking a sweat
Like most of us, I could probably find an hour in my day to get to the gym – watch less TV, get up earlier, close facebook – but I’m also a realist and derive little joy from grinding it out in the gym for an hour (although I have started).
But here’s my trick for lazy days and travel days. Sneaky bursts of HIIT (High-intensity interval training)
This is a great little workout by Joe Wicks of the fame. I’ll be honest, I haven’t always been a fan, but thats more because I think my wife had a crush on him for a while. This is an outstanding routine that can be done in the smallest of hotel rooms (I just completed it in a cross-channel ferry cabin), won’t have the neighbour in the room below wonder what’s going on and will leave you feeling great in just 16 minutes!
Give it a go, stay healthy and stay on track!
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